Word of the Day 活動篇

Each student has a conversation with the teacher in English. 學生用英語與老師進行對話。

Speaking a lot is the best way to improve your conversation skills. 多說是提升談話技巧的最好方法。

The students practice performing the Heimlich maneuver. 同學們練習做哈姆立克急救法。

The Heimlich maneuver is used to help someone choking. 哈姆立克急救法用來幫助噎到的人。

The students learn how to perform CPR. 同學們正在學習做CPR。

The students practice CPR for adults and infants. 同學練習為大人和嬰兒做CPR

The students are learning how to make a cookie. 學生們正在學習製作一種餅乾。

The cookies will look like a flower when they are finished. 當餅乾完成時,看起來會像是一朵花。

The boys and girls are learning traditional Chinese calligraphy.


To get good at calligraphy, you have to have a lot of patience!


Students learn how to bake cakes and cookies at school.


You must mix ingredients carefully when you bake


After baking an item, the student is cutting the jelly roll.


The students have to protect their eggs all day. 同學們一整天必須保護他們的蛋。

This activity is to show how mothers protect their children. 這個活動是為了展現母親如何保護自己的小孩。

The students conduct an experiment. 同學們正在進行一項實驗。

The experiment helps students understand how ants collect food. 這個實驗幫助學生了解螞蟻如何搜集食物。

An art exhibit is a place where artwork is displayed for visitors to see. 藝術展是藝術作品展示給人欣賞的地方。 This art exhibit has many incredible sculptures on display. 這個藝術展有很多

Origami is the art of folding paper to create art. 摺紙是將紙摺成作品的藝術。 Origami artists use paper to create flowers, stars, and even animals such as cranes and fish. 摺紙藝術家使用紙張創造花朵、星星,甚至像鶴與魚的動物。

Recycling is a way to reuse materials like paper and plastic. 資源回收是將紙類和塑膠之類的材質再次回收使用。 

Recycling can help take care of the planet. 資源回收有助於照顧我們的地球。 

In Lukang the locals make pancakes out of wheat flour and glutinous rice flour to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. 在鹿港,當地人用麵粉與糯米粉製作煎堆來慶祝端午節。

The students are also preparing these special pancakes to celebrate the festival. 學生們正在準備這種特別的煎堆來慶祝這個節慶。

The students use knives to cut the cake into slices. 同學們用刀子將糕餅切成幾片。 Then they put the slices of cake onto plates to serve to their classmates. 然後他們將一片一片的糕餅放在盤子給同學吃。

Art class is an ideal setting for developing your creativity. 美術課是發展創造力的理想環境。 These students are displaying their creativity by making beautiful and intricate works of art. 這些同學藉由創作美麗與精緻的藝術作品來展現他們的創造力。

The students are sanding wood for their project. 同學們正在打磨他們的作品。 

After sanding, the wood becomes very smooth. 在打磨後,木頭變得非常平滑。