Word of the Day 生活篇

Wash your hands at the sink before you eat lunch. 在你吃午餐前要在洗手台洗手。

The students are washing the dirty cleaning cloths in the sink. 學生在洗手台洗髒抹布。

The students use cloths and squeegees to clean the windows. 同學們用抹布與橡皮刮水器清潔窗戶。

Cleaning the windowsill requires attnetion to details. 清潔窗台需要注意小地方。

The students are taking a test. 學生們正在考試。

Each student has to take the test independently and can’t get help from classmates. 每個學生都必須獨立參加考試,不能得到同學的幫助。

The students are diligently studying in study hall.


In study hall the students have to work independently and quietly.


School lunch is eaten in the classroom in Taiwan. 在台灣午餐是在學校吃。

School lunch is designed to be healthy. 學校午餐的設計必須符合營養原則。

The students line up to receive their award at the award presentation. 頒獎典禮中,學生們排隊領獎。

At the award presentation, the students display their good behavior.  頒獎典禮中,學生們展現良好的規矩。

There are four students next to the flagpole: one is holding the flag, one is holding the rope, and two are standing next to them. 旗桿旁邊有四個同學:一個拿著旗子,一個拿著繩子,兩個站在旁邊。 One student pulls on the rope to raise the flag up the flagpole. 一名學生拉著繩子將旗幟升到旗桿上。

Students line up in orderly rows during the flag raising ceremony. 同學們在升旗典禮時排成整齊的隊形。

During this flag raising ceremony, some students are given awards. 在升旗期間,有些同學受獎。

The student passes out tablets to prepare for class. 這位同學將平板發給同學上課使用。 In class, students learn how to use the tablet for educational use. 在課堂上,同學們學習如何將平板用於教學用途。

You should return your library books on time so others can borrow them. 你應該準時歸還圖書館的書,這樣其他人才能借閱。 If you don't return your library books on time, you may have to pay a fine. 如果你沒有準時歸還圖書館的書,你可能會被罰錢。

The quiet environment in the library is conducive to reading or studying. 圖書館安靜的環境有助於閱讀或讀書。 You should keep quiet in the library so you don't disturb the other visitors. 在圖書館應該要保持安靜,才不會打擾到其他的人。

The students write homework assignments, tests, and other school events in their communication books. 同學們將功課、考試與學校活動寫在聯絡簿上面。

Communication books help teachers and parents share information. 聯絡簿可以讓老師與家長分享訊息。

After several years of hard work, these students are graduating from junior high school. 在努力了幾年後,這些學生從國中畢業了。 

After they graduate from junior high school, the students can go on to attend high school. 從國中畢業後,同學們便可以上高中。 

The students decorate the bulletin board for all students to see. 同學們布置布告欄讓所有人欣賞。 They tape certificates of recognition to decorate the classroom 他們將獎狀貼上去來布置教室。

In class, students work together to make newspapers. 在班上,同學們一起製作報紙。 Students use paint brushes and pencils to create their newspapers. 同學們用水彩筆和鉛筆來製作自己的報紙。

The students are spelling words using letter tiles. 同學們用字母方塊拼字。 This activity helps students practice their spelling. 這個活動幫助學生練習拼字。

The students fill up the balloons with air and make different shapes. 同學們將氣球充氣,做出不同形狀的氣球。 In class, all the students make different objects using air balloons. 在課堂上,所有同學用氣球做不同的物品。

Playing cards are used all over the world to play games with other people. 全世界的人都用撲克牌來玩遊戲。 Students gather together during break to play games with playing cards. 下課時,同學聚集在一起玩撲克牌。

After searching for the answer, the students are filling in the crossword puzzle in history class.尋找答案後,學生們正在填寫歷史課上的填字遊戲。 By looking at the clues, the students are able to do the crossword puzzle. 藉由觀察線索,學生們可以做填字遊戲。

The students are putting the puzzle together. 學生們正在拼拼圖。 

They are organzing the puzzle pces to put it together. 

A broom is a common cleaning tool often used in combination with a dustpan. 掃把是常見的清掃用具,經常跟畚斗一起使用。 Brooms are used to sweep up dust and debris, leaving floors nice and clean. 掃把被用來掃灰塵或是垃圾,讓地板保持很乾淨。

The students get very creative and work together in art class. 在課堂上同學們發揮創意,一起創作藝術作品。 After measuring and painting, the students produced many pieces of art. 在測量與上顏色後,同學們產出很多藝術作品。

The school has its own garden where students can learn how to take care of plants. 學校有自己的花園,學生可以在那裡學習如何照顧植物。 

The students get to work outside, pulling weeds and watering the plants to take care of the garden. 學生們開始在戶外工作,拔除雜草並澆灌植物以照料花園。 

The students use yarn to make decorative flowers. 同學們用毛線做成裝飾用的花朵。 With different colors of yarn, they can make different colored flowers. 他們用不同顏色的毛線來做成不同顏色的花朵。

The students fill up the buckets to clean the floor. 同學們將水桶裝滿水來擦地板。 Once they fill up the buckets, they will use a rag to clean the floor. 一旦他們水桶裝水後,他們用抹布來擦地板。

In class students have an opportunity to use tablets to access educational resources online. 在課堂上,學生有機會使用平板在線上取得教育資源。 With so many educational resources available for free online, students can easily review important concepts or even learn new topics at their own pace. 有如此多的線上免費教育資源,學生可以輕鬆複習重要概念,甚至可以按照自己的進度學習新主題。